Farrah Hunt - Thompson
  • Preserving History with the Healthcare Internet Hall of Fame

    Jan 26, 2012
    Last week, I was on site at a client’s, conducting the final meeting of a planning engagement. As we discussed the next course of action, I began thinking about the dramatic increase in healthcare organizations’ Web needs over the past five years since I have been part of the Greystone team. I was reminded of just how far the industry has come in t

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  • Are QR Codes relevant for YOUR mobile strategy?

    Oct 05, 2011
    The conversation continues about QR codes. According to Mobio™, QR barcode scanning in North America grew 1200% in the last half of last year. Quick response codes already make sense with consumer products for purchase information, competitive pricing information, coupons or discounts, but how are they relevant for healthcare? Relevance is the key

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