Kathy Divis

Spring Cleaning: It May Involve More Than Just Your House

by User Not Found | Mar 27, 2014
spring-treesGood gracious, we’ve had a lousy winter! I can’t recall ever being so happy for the first day of spring to arrive. As the weather warms up and the trees and flowers start to bloom, many of us start thinking about that old traditional rite of spring: that's right, spring cleaning. Although spring cleaning is hard work, there’s nothing I like more than the feeling of a house or office that has been deep cleaned and cleared of clutter. I've even been known to get ambitious and throw in a little painting or furniture rearranging, just for laughs. And, just as our houses need a good cleaning, occasionally our digital strategies need a good going-over as well. Have you launched a new strategy in the past year? If so, this may be a good time to assess just how effectively that new plan has been executed. Or maybe you already know it needs some mid-course adjustments. If you haven’t yet implemented those tweaks, you might celebrate the Vernal Equinox by doing just that! Yes, spring is a time of renewal … let’s chant that thought as we all move forward into 2014. If we can help you unclutter and re-invigorate, just let us know. We're here, and we're really happy to say ... so is Spring.    

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