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A New Alexa Skill to Help Connect with Hospitalized Patients

Dec 08, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the shortage of nurses in hospitals and other provider locations. New technology may play a role in helping to alleviate that shortage, as Amazon and Vocera have teamed up to develop an Alexa skill that assists with hospital communications. image of an Alexa in use in a hospital

The new tech will allow patients to stay connected to their care providers via an Amazon Echo device in their hospital room. Patients can speak requests or questions into their device for their team member who, in turn, will receive the request via a Vocera Badge, Smartbadge or Vina app. Using Vocera Engage software, the patient request will be deciphered according to keywords and phrases and sent to the appropriate team member. Caregivers will respond verbally on the Echo device. This new technology is expected to give care providers new ways to save time and personalize care for their patients.

  • patient experience
  • Hospital Marketing
  • Alexa

