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HIHOF Nominations 2023
Happy New Year!
At the beginning of each year, many of us set resolutions and reflect on the previous year to inspire us for the year ahead - a new year, full of potential and new goals to work towards. Many of us are so overwhelmed with focusing on the new that we don’t take time to reflect on the past. Who and what paved the way to get us this far?
The Healthcare Internet Hall of Fame (HIHOF) was created just for that: a reflection on those from our past who have inspired and pushed our industry forward with their creativity, innovation and determination. In November of 2022, we honored two individuals, Ben Dillion, co-owner of Geonetric, and John Berndt, SVP of Valtech Health, and one organization, Kyruus, all of whom have provided innovation and demonstrated great leadership in our industry over time.
As we begin to move forward in 2023 and look toward those future goals, which individuals or organizations will you be looking towards to help you achieve your future milestones? Do they deserve recognition for their contributions to our industry? Since 2011, HIHOF has inducted over three dozen individuals and organizations for a wide variety of contributions and impact in our industry. The entire list of HIHOF inductees, as well as more information about the award and the nomination form, can be found on the HIHOF website.
HIHOF was organized to keep these memories alive and highlight those individuals and organizations that influenced our industry to inspire the next generation of influencers. Please take a minute to think about those organizations and individuals and consider submitting a nomination. HIHOF is accepting nominations from now through the fall. The Induction Ceremony for the Inductee Class of 2023 will be held in November at the J.W. Marriott L.A. Live during the 27th Annual Healthcare Internet Conference.