Laura Clemons

People Not Only Want Video Visit Option, They Would Switch Doctors To Get It

by User Not Found | Aug 09, 2018

Telehealth is becoming more mainstream. As it does so, consumers are embracing it more. In fact, according to a new survey, many patients would be willing to see a new doctor if their current provider did not provide video visits.Telemedicine

The survey, conducted by American Well, included over 4,100 consumers. Among the survey findings were:

  • Most respondents are not only ready for telehealth technology but are actively seeking out the technology.
  • 20% of survey respondents would switch from their current doctor to a new one in order to get telehealth services.
  • 65% of respondents with a primary care physician want to see their doctors via video.
  • 74% of respondents with children want video visits with their doctors.

Additional survey findings include:

  • When asked whether they thought video visits, telephone calls or emails offered the most accurate diagnosis, 69% of respondents said video visits led to a more accurate diagnosis, while 26% said phone calls and 5% said emails.
  • 67% of respondents said they have delayed seeking health care for various reasons: high costs, difficulty in getting a timely appointment, being too busy or waiting to see if the problem went away on its own.

Survey respondents gave these reasons for using video visits:

  • Checkups to follow a chronic health condition such as diabetes or heart disease (60%).
  • Follow-up visits after surgery or hospital discharge (52%).
  • Prescription refills (78%).
  • For care during the night, rather than going to an ER (20%).
  • Coordinating care of an elderly parent or relative (79%).

It has been reported that 64% of US adults who visited brick-and-mortar healthcare settings reported their health concerns to be resolved completely. However, a 2016 post-visit survey of American Well’s telehealth patients found that 85% of patients had their health concerns resolved to their satisfaction. As the outcomes of video visits continue to meet or exceed the outcomes of in-person visits, consumer trust in the technology will increase, along with demand.

  • video
  • telehealth

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